Over 20 years of Experience
Peaceful Meadows Farm, a family farm established in 1996, is owned and operated by Philip and Sheila Brooks and Jeremy and Laura Brooks. Located just 25 miles from the Charlotte city limits in eastern Union County, NC, all our animals graze on gently rolling pastures and rural wooded acreage.
Our animals, grown from birth to harvest on our farm, enjoy healthy, free range pastures that are pesticide and herbicide free. This practice allows the animals to graze on nutrient-dense grasses and legumes, resulting in a flourishing diversity of soil microbes which improve nutrient cycling and trace mineral distribution through the food chain to the consumer. Our animals are moved to clean paddocks on a daily basis. They are never given hormones, steroids (growth enhancers), chemical wormers, or antibiotics.
The non-confinement practice on our farm allows every animal to enjoy the maximum amount of sunshine, exercise, and natural nutrition. As a result, the meat produces superior levels of Vitamins A, D, E, Beta Carotene, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids (linked to reduced heart disease), and CLA (linked to reduced cancer risk).